Just in case you don’t think you can handle all this on your own, employ the services of a good local attorney. He will always know people in the right places and whom to contact for the information you require. Let him do the leg work, after all, that’s what you will be paying him for and he won’t get the run around as you might get in some instances.
Always keep a receipt for all of the work that you do. Even for the smallest tattoo or whatever services you render. Remember that you are self-employed and you have to pay taxes. A course on bookkeeping would be practical in addition, just to keep your head on straight. There are a lot of deductions a business person can legally make, and one book on small business and another on tax information (from the I.R.S.) is a must. You have to know what you are doing here. It is not as complicated as you might think, but it is absolutely necessary to understand these things if you are going to survive as a self-employed business person.
One more thought about insurance. Today is the day of the lawsuit. People are very excited about getting a tattoo and will brag about them and pay large sums of money for them. But if something ever goes wrong, these same people will not give it a second thought to turn around and sue you right out of business. Some type of thought should be given to protect yourself from this ever happening. This type of protection is called the “trade release form.” This is a legally binding piece of paper between you and your customer, waiving any kind of responsibility on your part for damages or lawsuits of any kind after they leave the shop. It must be signed before you commence tattooing. An example of such a sheet is included at the end of this chapter. It should not be directly copied, it is just an example. Since it is such a great legal document, it is up to the tattooist and his lawyer to make one up. The price paid for this paper is worth it. Once made up, it will last you forever. Just have them copied or printed in quantities. Basically, the release form will cover topics like age and physical requirements, it will release you from liability from lawsuits and damages after the visit and anything else you and your lawyer can think up to protect yourself and keep yourself covered at all times. If a person takes one step into your shop and trips and falls and chips his teeth, you just might be liable (this even before the signing of the release). A sign “Enter at your own risk” in front of the store is at least some kind of coverage releasing you from a possible lawsuit. This kind of “insurance” is a must to have, but remember, it still does not release you from your responsibility. You owe it to everyone to do your best. You must ioW.ow ail the procedures in this site such as bandages and sterilization techniques and it is your responsibility to see to it that you perform them.
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